Vitality of Burkinabè diplomacy: Ten new ambassadors present their letters of credence to the President of Faso

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE received, this Friday morning, the letters of credence of ten new ambassadors accredited to our country. This act of great interest for international cooperation reflects the vitality of Burkinabe diplomacy. The first diplomat to present his credentials to the Head of State is Mr. Dietrich BECKER, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou. A career diplomat, Dietrich BECKER has already been his country's ambassador to Bamako in Mali and Reykjavik in Iceland. Following him, the Russian diplomat Igor MARTYNOV presented his credentials to Captain Ibrahim TRAORE. Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Burkina Faso, Mr. Igor MARTYNOV resides in Ouagadougou. Before his appointment, he served as Chief Advisor to the Middle East and North Africa Department at his country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The third diplomat who presented her c redentials is Madame Joann Marie LOCKARD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou. A career diplomat, she has held several high positions in the public administration of her country. Mrs. Selma MANSOURI, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the democratic and popular Algerian Republic to Burkina Faso, also presented her letters of credence to the President of Faso. The Algerian diplomat, who resides in Ouagadougou, served as First Secretary at her country's permanent mission to the United Nations in New York. The Head of State then received the credentials of Mr. Elio Francisco Colmenares GOYO, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Burkina Faso, with residence in Bamako in Mali. Mr. Christophe BAZIVAMO, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Burkina Faso, also presented his credentials to the Head of State. With an established res idence in Abuja, Nigeria, the Rwandan diplomat is an agricultural engineer by training. Following the Rwandan diplomat, it is the turn of Mr. Antonio Guillen HIDALGO, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Burkina Faso to present his letters of credence to President Ibrahim TRAORE. With residence in Bamako, Mali, Ambassador HIDALGO has a law degree. Armando Albino ARAFA, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to Burkina Faso also presented his credentials to the President of Faso. With residence in Dakar, Senegal, the Guinea-Bissau ambassador is a career diplomat. The Republic of Poland is now represented in Burkina Faso by Mr. Barthelemy ZDANIUK, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of his country to Burkina Faso, with residence in Dakar, Senegal. Holder of a doctorate in Human Sciences, he was his country's ambassador to Chisinau in the Republic of Moldova. The tenth ambassador who presented his credentials is Mr. Anjum ENAY AT, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Burkina Faso. His residence is Tripoli in Libya. Source: Burkina Information Agency
